8 de setembro de 2012

Esquizofrenia europeia

1. Draghi apronta o grande plano de aquisição de obrigações, exigindo contra-partidas.

2. Os investidores, crentes de que Itália e Espanha não têm alternativa, apressam-se a adquirir dívida soberana, esperando pelo carry trade, ou seja, que venha o BCE adquirir uns dias mais tarde.

3. As yields baixam fortemente nas maturidades de dívida até 3 anos.

4. Monti e Rajoy percebem que a intenção de Draghi é suficiente para animar os mercados.

5. E depois dá nisto:

6. No entretanto os investidores perceberam que mais uma vez foram enganados. Caíram que nem uns patinhos. Que lindo.

Tiago Mestre

2 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

não concordo que tenham sido enganados, afinal estamos a falar de um casino ou nao?

Anónimo disse...

Celente is the founder of Trends Research, and the man many consider to be the top trends forecaster in the world. Here is what Celente had to say: “What’s shaking out is that the European Central Bank, in their arcane language, has basically said, ‘We are going to buy up all of the worthless sovereign debt that Italy, Spain, Ireland, Portugal, and any other country in the eurozone that gets in trouble, we will continue to buy up that worthless debt.’ Now where are you going to get the money?”

Gerald Celente continues:

“‘Well, we stole it all from the people already through austerity measures. They don’t have much to give us anymore. I tell you what we’re going to do, get those printing presses rolling. That’s right, heat them up and let them go.’ They said they are going to do it continually to keep propping up the falling eurozone from collapsing.

You can listen to the French President, Hollande, and the British Prime Minister, Cameron, even though the UK is not in the euro, they are pushing for more worthless bond buying as well....